Brand and Pepper is rated 3 out of 5 in the category marketing and advertising. Read and write reviews about Brand and Pepper. Brand and Pepper is a spicy full service marketing agency based in the Mediterranean paradise, Malta. Brand and Pepper started life at the core of Calamatta Cuschieri, contributing to their success in every way possible. By implementing intelligent marketing systems and state of the art technology, we increased customer satisfaction, streamlined processes, increased revenue and pushed the boundaries of the Maltese financial industry further than ever before. The group grew from a staff count of 30 and a single branch, to 130 people and 7 branches around the Maltese islands in only 5 years. Today, Brand and Pepper is still very much at the heart of the Calamatta Cuschieri group, but functioning as an independent company; bringing the success and results we have continually provided Calamatta Cuschieri with, to businesses throughout Malta and beyond. Our work is driven by technology, solid marketing and innovation; we believe that these 3 ingredients are amongst the most important pillars for every business. We are proud of our rich heritage; we are excited for our future; we are Brand and Pepper.
Level 0, Ewropa Business Centre, Triq Dun Karm
Company size
11-50 employees